Scholarships Offered at SWTJC

Academic Scholarships Awarded through the Scholarship Committee

Other Scholarships Awarded through independent scholarship committees

Friends and Alumni Network Scholarship Awarded to high school graduates of the current academic year

Academic Scholarship Applications

2025 Spring Semester ONLY Academic Scholarship Application Due December 1, 2024

2024 - 2025 Academic Scholarship Application Due May 17, 2024 (DEADLINE EXTENDED)

Approximately 45 scholarships have been provided by civic-minded individuals and organizations. A faculty committee examines all applications and submits its recommendations to the President of the college who considers them for approval. Awards are made primarily on the basis of demonstrated academic achievement and standing (high school grades and ACT or SAT scores); however, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, communicating and reasoning skills, financial need, and educational objective may influence selection.

All students who receive academic scholarships at SWTJC must maintain "satisfactory grades" in order to continue receiving the scholarships. The term "satisfactory grades" is defined as having a 2.50 cumulative GPA (on a four-point scale) and completing at least twelve semester hours each fall and spring semester. "Satisfactory grades" are defined differently for the following scholarships and a recipient should refer to the scholarship description for the correct definition: Central Power and Light Company, the Rose Koehl Memorial, the Pioneer, the Pioneer for Distinguished SWTJC students, and the Vic Leon Tucker Memorial.

A student who receives an academic scholarship must enroll as a full-time student (12 semester hours or more) in order to use the academic scholarship. Students who receive the academic scholarship as entering freshmen are in effect receiving a two-year scholarship for four consecutive long semesters, if they maintain "satisfactory grades." Students who receive the scholarship as first-semester freshmen can expect to receive the scholarship for three consecutive long semesters, if they maintain "satisfactory grades." Students who receive the scholarship as sophomores can expect to receive the scholarship for two consecutive long semesters if they maintain "satisfactory grades."

Scholarship applications may be secured from the high school principal, or by writing to the Registrar, Southwest Texas Junior College, 2401 Garner Field Road, Uvalde, Texas 78801-6297. Mail applications to the attention of the Scholarship Committee. Students applying for scholarships through the Academic Scholarship Committee can use only one awarded scholarship; multiple awards are not allowed. The available scholarships are listed below. Most of these scholarships carry more than one student.

External Scholarships

Bandera Electric Cooperative Scholarship Program Each year, Bandera Electric awards ten $2,500 scholarships. The submission period begins September 15, 2023, and the deadline is January 15, 2024.

Carr Presidential Transfer Scholarship Limited to Six Scholarships per Campus (Transfer Scholarship) Submission deadline has closed

Hill & Ponton Veterans Helping Veterans Scholarships Each year, four scholarships of $1,000 will be awarded to the strongest candidates. Application deadlines are May 1st and November 1st.

Terry Foundation Transfer Scholarship (Transfer Scholarship)