From Stay-at-Home Mom to GED Graduate: Eunice Garza's Inspiring Journey with SWTX

From Stay-at-Home Mom to GED Graduate: Eunice Garza's Inspiring Journey with SWTX

Uvalde, TX, July 24, 2024 - Eunice Garza, originally from Juarez, Mexico, has lived in Uvalde for the past eight years. As a dedicated stay-at-home mom, Garza balances the demands of raising her four children alongside her aspirations for personal growth and educational advancement.

In February 2024, an opportunity arose that Garza could not pass up. She saw an advertisement in the local newspaper for free GED classes offered by the Southwest Texas College Adult Education & Literacy (AEL) Program. These classes were available at no charge, making it easy for her to enroll.

Despite her eagerness to continue her education, Garza faced a significant obstacle: the lack of a support system for childcare in Uvalde. Determined to overcome this challenge, she opted to attend evening classes, allowing her husband to care for the children after he returned from work. This arrangement highlighted Garza's commitment and resilience as she pursued her educational goals.

Garza's dedication paid off when she earned her GED on May 20, 2024. However, this accomplishment is just the beginning of her educational journey. She now aspires to become a Pre-K teacher, driven by her passion for early childhood education and her desire to positively impact young learners’ lives.

The SWTX Adult Education & Literacy (AEL) Program, federally funded since 1973, enhances adult literacy and skills for modern society and the job market. Serving an 11-county region, it offers day and evening classes staffed by experienced instructors with at least a B.A. degree and special training in adult education. The program provides English literacy, reading, writing, mathematics, workplace, and family literacy services. Key goals include:
  • Post-secondary education placement.
  • Career advancement.
  • Obtaining a Texas Credential of High School Equivalency (TXCHSE) or GED.

To participate, individuals must be at least 17 years old (16 if court-ordered), lack a high school diploma, function at or below a 12.9 grade level, and not be enrolled in secondary school.

Eunice Garza's story is a testament to the transformative power of education and the opportunities the SWTX Adult Education & Literacy Program provides. Her journey from a stay-at-home mom to a GED graduate and future educator embodies the program's mission to support adult learners in achieving their educational and career goals.

GED graduate Eunice Garza poses with her husband at kids.