SWTX Wraps Up Successful 3rd Annual Kids’ College

SWTX Wraps Up Successful 3rd Annual Kids’ College

Uvalde, TX, July 24, 2024 - The Southwest Texas College (SWTX) campus in Uvalde buzzed with activity last week as the 3rd Annual Kids’ College took place July 15 through 18. Amanda Ibarra, Kids’ College Coordinator, enthusiastically declared the event “a smashing success,” citing a variety of engaging sessions and exciting activities. PHOTOS

The week started with a focus on mental health awareness, featuring a session from the Mental Health Development Department (MHDD) alongside fun activities like creating breathing sticks and a presentation from the Uvalde Police Department’s K9 unit. Rounding out the first day was an energetic stampede race and session titled “What to Do with an Idea” from the SWTX Student Success Center Team.

Tuesday offered future engineers a chance to build rockets with college STEMMentors, while Uvalde Memorial Hospital (UMH) staff provided valuable insights on mental health. Heartwarming moments were created during a “Build a Bear” session led by the SWTX Bookstore and Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) leaders. Students continued a colorful tradition by painting rocks for the college’s “Rock Snake” project.

Wednesday saw high-energy fun and fitness with Zumba, led by Evelin Ortiz, owner of the Rumba Fitness Studio in Uvalde. The excitement continued as students launched the rockets they built with the STEMMentors. This was followed by an educational session and games featuring wildlife management faculty and students from SWTX. The Children’s Bereavement Center offered students an artistic outlet with stained-glass painting.

The week culminated in a joyous graduation ceremony on Thursday (July 18) and a carnival featuring booths from various SWTX departments.

Ibarra expressed her gratitude to all participants, exclaiming, “Thanks to everyone who joined and made it an unforgettable week!” Special recognition was given to the SWTX student team leaders who tirelessly guided their groups throughout the program.

The success of the 3rd Annual Kids’ College was a collaborative effort. All SWTX departments played a vital role, including maintenance, custodial and cafeteria staff, along with the marketing department, business office, student success team, allied health faculty, library staff, cosmetology department, welding department, VIDA Resource Center staff, Full STEaM Ahead-STEM Mentors, bookstore staff, PTK Club, Claire Berrones from the art department, the wildlife management program staff, and Phillip Botello and the gym staff who kicked off each day with icebreakers.

The program also benefited from the participation of valuable community partners. Session leaders included the MHDD, UPD K9 unit, Makenna’s Farm, UMH Crossroads Behavioral Health Services with Paul Flores and Norma Ramos, Zumba with Evelin Ortiz, the Children’s Bereavement Center, and Medina Electric, who provided water throughout the week.

Additional support came from Emy’s Rentals, who provided golf carts for SWTX staff, UMH, who offered first-aid volunteers, and the Children’s Bereavement Center, which ensured a safe space for students needing a mental health break.

With a blend of educational sessions, creative activities and opportunities for social interaction, the 3rd Annual Kids’ College provided a fun and enriching experience for all involved. The collaborative spirit between SWTX and community partners undoubtedly contributed to the program’s success.